Your opinion is important to us.
Please take this survey to help us learn what kind of health plan information would be most useful for you. Thank you!
Which part of Medicare would you like to know more about?
Choose all that apply.
Medicare Advantage
Eligibility and enrollment
Deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, out-of-pocket expenses, and premiums
The difference between Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D
Other (Please fill in)
Which benefits do you want to learn more about?
Choose all that apply.
Dental allowance
Hearing aid allowance
Over-the-counter products allowance
Medical transportation
Vision allowance
fitness benefit
Prescription drug coverage
Meals after hospitalization
Other (Please fill in)
Have you attended any health plan events, such as the Member Advisory Committee (MAC) meetings?
If not, why?
Thinking about Sentara Medicare’s quarterly newsletter,
Healthy Highlights
, what lifestyle topics would you like to read about? (For example, navigating online social media platforms, fitness ideas for older adults, activities to do with children, support for caregivers, taking care of pets, etc.)
Again thinking about Sentara Medicare’s quarterly newsletter,
Healthy Highlights
, what health topics would you like to read about? (For example, what to look for in a PCP, tips for taking care of your eyes and vision, how to know when you may need a hearing aid, support for depression, etc.)
Do you like getting recipes in the newsletter?
Do you enjoy the word search puzzle in the newsletter?
Thinking about your prescription drug benefit, which of the following would you like to learn more about?
Choose all that apply.
How to use your prescription drug benefit.
Home delivery of 90- and 100-day supply of medications.
Alternatives to swallowing pills.
Ways to remember to take your medication.
How long it takes for a medication to take effect.
Our Medication Therapy Management Program.
How to dispose of unused medication.
Prescription coverage details.
The difference between generic drugs and brand-name drugs.
The difference between the tiers of drugs.
How to cope with side effects.
Other (Please fill in)
How do you prefer to get information from us about your health plan?
Online (
Phone call
Printed materials (newsletter, mailer, postcard, etc.)
In-person meetings (Member Advisory Committee, health fairs, benefit meetings, etc.)
Social media
Medicare broker
Other (Please fill in)
Have you experienced any challenges while using your benefits?
If yes, please explain:
On a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means not at all likely, and 5 means extremely likely, how likely is it that you would recommend this health plan to a family member or friend?
5 | highly likely
3 | neutral
1 | less likely
Prior authorization is required by a health plan care coordinator upon discharge.